martedì 30 ottobre 2012

Learning English - Words in the News
14 January, 2005 - Published 14:54 GMT
Kraft cuts snack ads for children

The American food group Kraft Foods says it will stop marketing junk food to children. It means that the company will not advertise products with a lot of fat,
sugar or salt to children under twelve years old. This report from Mark Gregory:

Kraft is one of the world's largest food producers. In America its products include
Oreo biscuits and Kool Aid drinks. Likerivals, the company has come under mounting
pressureto encourage consumers to cut back on potentially unhealthy foods. There's
been particular concern about risingobesity levels in rich countries - in America two
thirds of adults and fifteen percent of children are overweight. In a statement Kraft
said it recognised that parents were concerned about the mix of food products advertised
to young children.
The company will no longer run advetisments for high calorie, high fat products in cartoon
shows and other television programmes aimed at young viewers. It will also change
marketing policies for advertisements in newspapers and other media. Health concerns
among the big food firms are driven by legal worries as well consumer pressure - last
year the hamburger chain McDonalds fought off a lawsuitby children who blamed their
weight problems on its products.
Mark Gregory, BBC

people or companies which compete in the same market
come under mounting pressure
if you come under mounting pessure, somebody expects something from you urgently
to cut back on
to reduce
the state of being very fat
a statement
a declaration
health concerns
worries about health
here, forced
fought off
a lawsuit
a legal claim made against a person or company

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