lunedì 15 dicembre 2014

First Certificate Use of English Part 2

Go to the link below and practise the Use of English Part 2 exercise from the online Exam Practice site

giovedì 11 dicembre 2014

Causative Verbs

Causative Verbs

Have a go at this exercise.

Choose the correct verb for each sentence by clicking one of the answers(a-d).

Causative Verbs

giovedì 20 novembre 2014

Past ability and possibility

Past ability & possibility

In the present tense we use ‘can’ to talk about a general ability – e.g. I can swim – and also for ability at a particular moment – e.g. I can see you! The rules for talking about past abilities are different.

General ability

We use could to talk about general abilities in the past.
  • He could speak fluent French when he was 5.
  • I could read before I started school.
Ability on one occasion

However, when we talk about ability on one particular occasion, we can’t use could
  • The burglar was able to get in through the bathroom window.
  • The burglar managed to get in through the bathroom window.
We have to use was able to or managed to. We can’t use could.
  • The burglar could get in through the bathroom window.
Ability on one occasion - negative

When we talk about a particular occasion when something wasn’t possible, we can use wasn’t/weren’t able todidn’t manage to, or couldn’t
  • The burglar wasn’t able to get in through the window.
  • The burglar didn’t manage to get in through the window.
  • The burglar couldn’t get in through the window.
Hypothetical past ability

Sometimes things were possible in the past but didn’t happen.
  • I could have gone to university but I decided to get a job.
  • I would have been able to win the race but I fell over.
We use could have (+ past participle) or would have been able to to talk about these hypothetical events. They can be used in the positive and the negative.
  • I couldn’t have done it without your help.
  • I wouldn’t have been able to afford it even if it had been for sale.
- See more at:

Click here to practise

giovedì 30 ottobre 2014

First Reading Part 2 (removed sentences)

Go to the link below and complete the Auto English online FCE Reading Part 2 exercise.

You must not take more than 20 minutes to complete the exercise

martedì 21 ottobre 2014

Past Simple versus Present Perfect

Can you identify the correct form for talking about finished actions and continuous actions which began in the past?

Look at these exercises and use the time marker adverbials to help you identify when to use the past simple form and when to use the present perfect form.

Passive Question Form

The Passive Voice in Questions Exercise

Why hasn’t the washing-up been done?

Change the sentences from the active to the passive.

1 Do they make cars in Korea? ........................................................................................................ ?
2 Do the hounds kill the fox? ................................................................................................................................... ?
3 Will The King inaugurate the new bridge? ........................................................................................................ ?
4 Is a doctor going to examine you? ........................................................................................................ ?
5 Did the bull kill the matador? ........................................................................................................ ?
6 Did they catch the thief? ...................................................................................................................................?
7 When did they hijack the plane? ...................................................................................................................................................?
8 How did your host family treat you? ........................................................................................................ ?
9 Have the police found the body? ...................................................................................................................................?
10 Has anyone cleaned the oven yet? ........................................................................................................ ?
11 Why has the government banned the film? ........................................................................................................ ?
12 Would Tai Chi classes interest you? ...................................................................................................................................................? Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2007
Modals of Deduction

Practise this modal verb of deduction online exercise from Auto-English

Past Modal Verbs of Deduction Exercise
She must have gone out
I might have made a mistake
He can't have been there.
You should have apologised
You shouldn't have said that.

- There is strong evidence. - There is a possibility that I made a mistake. - It's impossible. - A criticism - A criticism

A Fill the gaps with must have, might have or can't have.

1 She ................................studied really hard. She passed all her exams with excellent grades.
2 You ................................ shouted at him. He'll never forgive you.
3 He ................................ arrived by now. It's only a 20 minute journey.
4 The concert was fantastic. You really ................................ come.
5 The boss is in a terrible mood. The meeting ................................ been good.
6 Sarah ................................ been so happy when she found out she was being promoted.
7 I had to wait 45 minutes for a bus yesterday. There ................................ been an accident or maybe a strike.
8 He ................................ bought a new car. He doesn't have any money.
9 Andrew did no revision for the exam but he's passed. I think he ................................ cheated.
10 I left my bicycle in front of the library and it's disappeared. Someone ................................ stolen it.
11 Clara was very upset with you yesterday. You ................................ apologised for saying she was lazy.
12 John has forgotton about the meeting. We ................................ reminded him about it yesterday.
13 I'm sorry but Samantha isn't here. She ................................ already left the office.
14 You ................................ tried to fix the roof yourself. You might have fallen off and been badly injured.
15 He ............................ known it was your birthday. Otherwise, I'm sure he would have wished you a happy day.

B Now write some examples of your own.

1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................
3 ..........................................................................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................................................................... Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2013